Be sure to ask about credits you may be entitled to, such as the Child Tax Credit, Additional Child Tax Credit, Other Dependent Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, Education Credit, Adoption Credit. For Michigan residents, ask if you are entitled to the Homestead Credit or the Home Heating Credit.
The deadline to file for a federal refund for 2018 is April 18, 2022. Review your 2018 return now, make sure you received the credits you were entitled to. Because the Other Dependent Credit was new for that year, some tax preparers forgot to include that on the return. That is a $500 credit for qualified dependents to qualifying filers.
Does your preparer return your calls? Do you feel comfortable asking them a question? Do you feel heard? With the right tax preparer, the answers should be a resounding "Yes!"
As soon as you start to think about your business, an accountant can help you take the next steps. We can discuss your business's organization, tax purposes and operations, along with target pricing and profit margins.
Get some impartial advice from an accountant before you consult the bank. A bank will want to see a strong business plan and organized records. Let us help you get ready for your business's next step!
Does your accountant return your calls? Do you feel comfortable asking them a question? Do you feel heard? With the right accountant, the answers should be a resounding "Yes!"
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